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October 2020
Harriet *cancelled*
Conductor at Muziektheater Transparant and HERMESensemble
Coded Messages: Scenes in the life of Harriet Tubman, a new music theatre piece by Hilda Paredes
November 2020
Bosch Requiem 2020 *cancelled*
Conductor at November Music, Den Bosch
World première of Bosch Requiem 2020 'YeonDo' by Seung-Won Oh
Bosch Requiem 2020 *cancelled*
Conductor at November Music, Den Bosch
World première of Bosch Requiem 2020 'YeonDo' by Seung-Won Oh
March 2022
I have missed you forever at Dutch National Opera
Co-creator & musical director at Dutch National Opera & Asko|Schönberg
I have missed you forever by several composers, writers & creators. Performances on 12/13/15/17/18 March.
April 2022
Philharmonia «Music of Today: How Forests Think»
Conductor at Philharmonia, London
Works by Liza Lim and Anna Thorvaldsdóttir at the SoundState Festival of the Southbank Centre
September 2022
La Traviata
Conductor at Opera North
La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi
November 2022
Ulster Orchestra «Neglected Genius»
Conductor at Ulster Orchestra, Belfast
Works by Prokofiev, Ravel and Farrenc at Ulster Hall
April 2023
London Sinfonietta «REICH/RICHTER»
Conductor at London Sinfonietta
Works by Reich, Eastman, Wolfe, Calix, Clyne at the Royal Festival Hall
June 2023
Holland Festival x Radio Philharmonic Orchestra «For Euterpestraat»
Conductor at Radio Philharmonic Orchestra
Works by ANOHNI, William Basinski at the Holland Festival, Amsterdam
July 2023
Season 2023-2024 Announcement
I’m thrilled (and still a bit incredulous) to share that in the coming season I will be debuting as conductor (and in several instances, also as co-creator or curator) at Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century, and the Concertgebouworkest. More than anything, I’m pleased that all of these debuts involve music, themes and approaches that are very close to my heart and outlook on life, as those of you who’ve known me a while will definitely recognise. I’m…
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